Google confirms SEO ranking algorithm updates just in time for Christmas!
Throughout December, reports rolled out which indicated that there had been a great disturbance in the force and by that, we mean mobile SERPs (search engine ranking positions)… This occurred just in time for the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi and of course, Christmas! For anyone working in the SEO industry, and indeed, for anyone whose business relies heavily on online sales and communication, this was big news.
So, what actually happened in the world of SEO?
The world of SEO is always changing, what may work one month, may become completely irrelevant three months or even three years down the line. As such it’s vital to stay up to date with the latest developments, updates and trends – even if you’re only observing discussions. This was certainly true for December as reports flooded social media with many claiming that Google had rolled out some very unexpected updates – just before the holidays… These reports were confirmed when a Google spokesperson released this statement,
‘We released several minor improvements during this time frame, part of our regular and routine efforts to improve relevancy.’
According to reports from leading Webmasters from across the web, the algorithm updates mainly affected websites with NO schema date and sites with lots of landing pages or “doorway pages” which target large lists of keyword variations. Many affected sites also appeared to show “Fred” like symptoms with many of the landing pages featuring low quality/ value content which was either very thin, or keyword stuffed – again, this emphasises the importance of ensuring that your website features useful, high quality content.
Whilst the effects have not been universal, the SERP ranking algorithm updates do appear to have hit sites across a range of sectors including education, home and lifestyle, and eCommerce platforms – causing several sites to drop in the SERPs or lose visibility completely.
Has your site been affected?
Google algorithm updates can be concerning for any business but here at Netbiz Group, our team of SEO gurus can help you to stay ahead of the competition whilst also keeping on top of the latest updates and trends. If you believe that your site has been affected by the recent SEO ranking algorithm updates, or you’re interested in finding out more about how we can help you to excel online, please get in touch!